Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Server calls John Rich "Pompous and Arrogant"

So regarding the whole throwing the beer bottle into the street after the serve was told to get his beer bottle since it was 3 am, it turns out that someone got the last few seconds of the encounter on video and that John Rich threatened the server.

From Music City TV :

“I’ll kick your a**!” John says loudly. “And I WILL f***in’ do it.”
Afterward, the server, Kyle Numann, told News 2’s Teresa Weakley, “He was just being a very unpleasant person.”
Kyle furthered described the singer/songwriter/producer’s actions as being “just pompous and arrogant and completely out of line, like nobody else’s rules pertain to him.”

Check out the video on www.musiccitytv.com

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